Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ethical Lapse is Synonym for BAD

After listening and reading the description of the car for the Nazis, I am so surprised that someone would write something like that and seem indifferent. Also, with the Ford fiasco, I can't believe how they would settle for the cheaper solution to save their car sales. It seems like companies will do whatever it takes to make sure that they make the most money that they can, regardless of what problems may ensue. I really think that someone has to have some feelings toward what they are doing, and especially feel something when they know that their proposal is going to affect so many lives. These people that were involved with these proposals must not feel much; all they "feel" is how much money they can make. This might be a reason why the "Big Three" automakers in Detroit are struggling right now. Since they make such cheap cars, with all intentions to make as much money as they can, people are finally starting to realize this, and the companies are losing tons and tons of money. If the companies went more in to pleasing the customer and not just pleasing themselves, the companies could not be in the situation that they are right now. "Greed is the root of all evil (problems)." The whole banking problem has also ticked me off, and I'm glad our government is doing something about it. These people have gone unchecked for too long, and all that greed is coming back to bite them.

I believe my ethical principles are very good. I do not want to hurt people, regardless if it hurts me or not. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice for the greater good. Of course, I want to make a lot of money just like any one else, but I want to do it as ethically as possible. If that means losing money to make sure my product is top notch, then I will lose money. I believe that it is better to spend a little more on customers to make sure that they come back for more; not making the most money I can with no care for the customers. Customers are the reason why companies exist and flourish; without them, companies wouldn't be around competing for their business. So to me, I will always try to please the customer, no matter what sacrifices I have to make. If I have to make so many sacrifices that I will "go under", then I don't deserve to be in business. A company that is always having to fix their screw-ups should not be operating.

I just wish that everyone could think similar to the way that I do, and not let money rule their lives. Maybe, one day it will be like that...

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