Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Future is Near

The future is very hard to predict, and is becoming harder and harder to predict day after day. Technology is constantly changing. How we view objects and events changes almost daily. Although the future is changing a lot, I still have an idea of what I would like my life to be like. In about ten years, I would like to have a well-paying job, a house, a family, and a nice car. Most likely, this will be many of my peers' hopes about the future, so that kind of makes this boring. Since I am a marketing major, I hope to have a marketing related job in either the sports or video games industry. Video games might seem silly to most people, but I love to play, and during these tough economic times, the video games industry is one of the few that is still doing fairly well. The sports industry also seems to be doing alright amid all of the economic challenges that are facing many people all over the country.
I believe in ten years, I will be working for a fairly large company. I will have been there about eight or so years, so I will not be a newbie, but not a marketing manager either. I would hope to be living in the southeast, but I would be up for living in the southwest or even southern California. I just want to be somewhere that has warm weather most of the year. Hopefully in ten years I will have a family, but might not have any kids yet. I'm hoping to have my career established, and have my wife establish her career as well. Then, we would consider kids and go from there. It seems so far off now that I'm not entirely sure what I will do. I would love to have a decent sized home (4 bedrooms) and a nice car, but that just depends on where I am in the company's hierarchy and where I am living.
Although the future is a good ways away, I still have hopes and dreams of what I want my future to be like. Hopefully I will have a better estimate of what my future holds once I graduate from Clemson and get out into the workforce. Who knows, by the time I graduate, I could be wanting to work for a totally different company, live in an entirely different area, and have a completely different idea of what I want my personal life to be like. That's what makes the future so unique: it is always changing and keeps you on your toes.

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